Surgery Management Solutions from OR Efficiencies
A Hospital Consulting Leader in Developing Surgical Program Governance & Process Redesign
OR Efficiencies, LLC is recognized as an industry leader among healthcare management consultants in developing surgical and anesthesiology program governance and process redesign / improvement at hospitals throughout the nation. The ultimate goal of most engagements is to facilitate the develop-ment of a culture which understands how to sustain programs and processes that are innovative, efficient, cost effective, marketable, improve physician and staff satisfaction and ownership of the program, and prepare programs to thrive through market and reimbursement change.
A strategic assessment reviews the key components of your surgical program including strategic positioning and planning, surgeon satisfaction, operational programs and systems, and expense management. This assessment enables a hospital to pinpoint marketplace position, understand opportunities and risks, align clinical and administrative leadership and establish goals and strategies to improve operations, manage and reduce expenses, and expand business.
Services Offered
OR Efficiencies, LLC was founded by V. Gerard Ippolito, BA, MBA/MHSA (Jerry Ippolito) after nearly thirty years in healthcare administration with over fifteen years specializing in perioperative services consulting. Prior to Johnson & Johnson’s divestment of its healthcare management consulting division, Mr. Ippolito had managed the J&J consulting service lines of anesthesiology program development and surgical program business development since 1996.
OR Efficiencies Team Of Specialists
About OR Efficiencies
OR Efficiencies, LLC is recognized as an industry leader among healthcare management consultants in developing surgical and anesthesiology program governance and process redesign / improvement at hospitals throughout the nation. The ultimate goal of most engagements is to facilitate the develop-ment of a culture which understands how to sustain programs and processes that are innovative, efficient, cost effective, marketable, improve physician and staff satisfaction and ownership of the program, and prepare programs to thrive through market and reimbursement change. The firm’s team of physician, nursing, and financial management consultants brings a unique menu of hospital consulting skills to hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers.
Financial Engine That Drives a Hospital
Regardless of how successful a hospital is a savvy administrative team does not take success for granted. Most hospital executives recognize that surgery is the financial engine that drives a hospital and that long term success in the surgical healthcare market results from provision of efficient, client-centered operational programs and ongoing expense planning activity.